Monday, October 17, 2016

The Giver, By Lois Lowry


  • Draw a picture to represent the reading. Make the picture beautiful! Share this picture during the discussion.
  • Write what happened in the picture and why it's important. (Post this in the reply to the assignment)

  • PASSAGE PICKER: Post this in reply to the assignment
  • Pick a passage from the reading that is important to understanding what happened in the assigned reading.
  • Name 3 reasons why it is the most important passage from the reading that week.

  • SUMMARIZER: Post this in reply to the assignment
  • Summarize the main events from the reading. A summary generally tells what happens at the beginning, middle, and end of the reading, or tells the problems and resolutions.  Post this in the reply to the assignment.

  • CONNECTION MAKER: Post this in reply to the assignment
  • Make 3 or more connections with the text.
  • They can be text-to-text, text-to-self, or text-to-world.

  • CHARACTER PROFILE: Post this in reply to the assignment
  • Pick a character, write 3 important things about them and examples of their character.

  • COMIC CREATOR: Post this in reply to the assignment
  • Fold a paper into 6 piece. Then draw/write the 6 most important sequences of events from the reading. Share this comic with your group and reply with your name and Comic Creator.

  • WORD FINDER: Post this in reply to the assignment
  • Pick 3 or more unusual words.
  • Look them up and share their meanings with the group.


  1. Reading assignment: Introduction and Ch. 1, beginning-pg. 13
    Assignment & Discussion due: Tuesday, Oct. 18, 1:00 p.m.

    1. Cheryl- artist
    2. Porter-passage pick
    3. Dani- summarizer
    4. Brayten- Connection maker
    5. Lyn- Character profile
    6. Noah- Comic Creator
    7. Ms. Tsu- Word Finder

    1. Noah- Comic Creator

    2. Word Finder: Introduction & Chapter 1

      1. intrigued, pg. 2: arouse the curiosity or interest of; fascinate. "I was intrigued by your question"

      2. released, pg. 3: In the context it's used, I believe it to mean let go or get rid of.

      3. unidentified, pg. 1: not recognized or identified. "a picture of an unidentified motorcyclist"

      4. palpable, pg. 4: able to be touched or felt.
      "the palpable bump at the bridge of the nose" "a palpable bump"
      (especially of a feeling or atmosphere) so intense as to be almost touched or felt. "a palpable sense of loss," clear to the mind or plain to see. "to talk of dawn raids in the circumstances is palpable nonsense"

      5. disposition, pg. 9: a person's inherent qualities of mind and character. "a sweet-natured girl of a placid disposition"

    3. Jonas-1.He is fascinated by an unidentified aircraft, then he is frightened by #1. Jonas is a bit of a bad #3. 3. He was careful about language. pg #4

    4. Porter-passage picker

      It was written very clearly in the rules

      1.this shows that it is a strict community

      2.this shows that there are a lot of rules in the community

      3.this shows the foundation of the community

    5. Cheryl-artist, the picture explains when Jonas and his family were telling their feelings.It was part of the rituals.

    6. First, in the introduction he tells us about between twenty years and now. Then, in the first chapter he tells us about a plane flying near the community and it was dangerous. Last, Jonas tells his family about his feelings.

  2. Reading assignment: Ch. 2 and Ch. 3, beginning-pg. 14
    Assignment & Discussion due: Tuesday, Oct. 25, 1:00 p.m.

    1. Cheryl- passage pick
    2. Porter-summarizer
    3. Dani- conection maker
    4. Brayten- character profile
    5. Lyn- comic creator
    6. Noah- word finder
    7. Ms. Tsu- artist

    1. words
      1.adherence-sticking to
      2.technically-with reference to the technique displayed
      3.a term used with similar meanings in the law of contracts and in the law of real estate. In both instances, it encompasses the transfer of rights held by one party—the assignor—to another party—the assignee.

    2. Connection
      I have been scared or nervous about a certain event before and it was going to a new school.

    3. due date change: Oct.27, 1:00

    4. Porter-Summarizer

      Jonas and his parents talk about the Ceremony of the Twelve. His father brings home a newborn named Gabriel, from the Nurturing Center. Jonas has a flashback about when he played catch with an apple. In midair it changed. Jonas never new why.

  3. Reading assignment: Ch. 4 and Ch. 5, beginning-pg. 33

    1. Cheryl- summarizer
    2. Porter- conection maker
    3. Dani- character profile
    4. Brayten- comic creator
    5. Lyn- word finder
    6. Noah- artist
    7. Ms. Tsu- passage pick
